Series of radio messages
Maurice M Johnson

You know, there's not a Christian husband on the face of the earth who has joined a denominational organization, there's not a Christian preacher on the face of the earth who has joined a denominational church, who can love and respect his wife as God wants him to. You say, "What in the world? I don't see any connection," Well listen carefully, "Wives.", Ephesians 5:23,

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, Well, how is Christ the head of the church? He's not the head of the Baptist, He's not the head of the Presbyterian, He's not the head of the Episcopalian, He's not the head of the ecumenical-Mulligan-stew-Babylonish-get-together. Where is there any evidence that Christ is the head of the church? Some of these Fundamentalist Bible teachers will preach that occasionally, but they practice another pseudo headship. No man can he a member of an organization that men start and that hypocrites can join and say that's the church of which Christ is the head. Don't you see that? Does it make any difference to you?

Listen again to this please in Ephesians 5. You see, most everybody today knows that chaos is rampant, knows that confusion is worse confounded, know that the youth of today, these teenagers, these hippies and all... that they have lost confidence in homes, they've lost confidence in churches. Well, why? Well because there's nothing that is honorable, that is beautiful, that is unanswerably spiritual in the homes of today, I mean scarcely nothing, and in the churches, God wants the... well let me read some more here in Ephesians 5.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church and He's the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their husbands in every thing.

Why what wife can be subject to her husband as God wants her to if she's a Baptist, a Presbyterian, member of the "Church of the Open Door" so-called, Fundamentalist here or there. She can't respect her husband as God wants her to because she doesn't respect Christ as the head of His church, Let me read that again now,

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Well the average wife today says, "Well how is the church subject to Christ? How is the church subject to Christ? Well, we believe that and join anything we want to." Every Christian wife who has joined a man-made religious organization. has just as much right to have regular engagements of a private sensate nature with other men, because her relationship to her husband is just like her relationship to Christ, the church to Christ.  Well, she's joined another church while believing Christ is the head of the true. Why, hasn't she just as much right, if she had a right at all, to line up with some other husband?

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